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Make a Donation (adjust $ in cart)
Every contribution, regardless of size, plays a vital role in ensuring that CYC's mission and vision can be fulfilled. Your generous gift will help Cincinnati Youth Choir's mission to provide opportunities for youth to experience musical excellence in a creative environment no matter their financial circumstances. CYC offers choirs that are free, pay-what-you-can, and grant tuition assistance. With your contribution, you truly will be Building Tomorrow’s Leaders, One Voice at a Time.

Platinum Level $15,000 – $29,999
Diamond Level $5,000 – $14,999

1993 Society Levels of Support (adjust amount in cart):
Gold Level $3,000 – $4,999
Silver Level $2,000 - $2,999
Bronze Level $1000 - $1,999
Circle of Artistry $500 - $999
Songs of Support $250 - $499
The Ensemble $100 - $249
Patron Support : all gifts up to $99
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Make your donation go further by covering the credit card processing fee, usually 3%. You can change amount in cart.
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