NEW Singer request Grades 1-4

New Singer
If applicable, this will allow the child to log into our site for attendance and communications.
During the course of the CYC Season, CYC will share virtual concert performances showcasing singers, and they may appear on TV, in the newspaper or online in marketing for CYC or special events. In addition, we may print brochures, flyers, etc. for CYC that could include your singer's image. Singers will not be identified by name individually unless parents provide written consent for special circumstances. Please sign indicate below that it is okay for your singers image to be displayed in these areas. Thank you for your support!
Parent/Guardian Information
Home Address
Welcome to the Cincinnati Youth Choir!
Thank You for signing up! A CYC staff member will contact you soon about your child's placement and provide information about registration. If you have any questions, please contact Erin Horton, [email protected].