Rehearsal & Concert informationRehearsals: October 3 through December 12 (no rehearsals on October 17 or November 28), Thursdays 1-2 PM at Delhi Hills Baptist church 5421 Foley Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45238. Concerts: Saturday December 7, 2:00pm and Saturday, December 14, 2:00 pm in Corbett Auditorium, University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music Singer Information Child's First and Last Name * Child's Birthdate * Month MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Day Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Year Year20112012201320142015201620172018 Child's Fall 2024 Grade * - Select -Please select3rd4th5th6th7th T-Shirt Size * - Select -Please SelectYouth SmallYouth MediumYouth LargeAdult SmallAdult MediumAdult LargeAdult X-LargeAdult XX-Large Has your child participated in a CYC program in the past? If so, which choir/program and when? Any additional information you would like us to know? Once registered, emergency medical information will be collected. Media Release Yes, I agree to the Media Release No, I do not agree to the Media Release During the course of the CYC Season, CYC will share virtual concert performances showcasing singers, and they may appear on TV, in the newspaper or online in marketing for CYC or special events. In addition, we may print brochures, flyers, etc. for CYC that could include your singer's image. Singers will not be identified by name individually unless parents provide written consent for special circumstances. Please sign indicate below that it is okay for your singers image to be displayed in these areas. Thank you for your support! DemographicsCincinnati Youth Choir is a non-profit organization that receives funding from private foundations, Ohio Arts Council, and the National Endowment for the Arts. These organizations ask for the demographics of the participants in our programs. This information is presented in summary form and not attached to any individual name. Completing this information is optional. Singer's Gender Female Male Non-binary Prefer not to say Singer has a disability Yes No Prefer not to say Singer's Race African American Appalachian Asian/Pacific Islander Caucasian/White Hispanic/Latino Native American Mixed Race Prefer not to say Parent/Guardian Information Parent/Guardian First and Last Name * Parent/Guardian e-mail where choir communications will be sent * Parent/Guardian Phone * Phone Number Type * - Select -Please SelectCellHomeWork Home Address Street * City * State * Zip Code * Thank You choosing Vivo Coro Homeschool West!Welcome! Vivo Coro brings CYC to your community! These neighborhood choirs meet in locations throughout Greater Cincinnati and join together to form a large, festival choir that performs alongside the Cincinnati Youth Choir’s Resident Choirs. Vivo Coro serves children in grade 3-6. Vivo Coro Homeschool is led by Melissa Surman. A CYC staff member will contact you within 7 days with specific information about Vivo Coro Homeschool West and instructions about how to complete payment. Questions about Vivo Coro contact Caitlyn McGlynn, Interim Director of Choirs & Education: [email protected]